Rayid Ghani

Distinguished professor in Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University

I am a Professor in the Machine Learning Department (in the School of Computer Science) and the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. I work on developing and using Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science methods for solving high impact social good and public policy problems in a fair and equitable way across criminal justice, education, healthcare, energy, transportation, economic development, workforce development and public safety. My work includes collaborative projects with government agencies and NGOs, research in areas including explainablity, bias/fairness/equity, and developing and teaching experiential education and training programs. I also started (at University of Chicago) and run the Data Science for Social Good Summer Fellowship (now at CMU). In past lives I was Founder/Director of the Center for Data Science and Public Policy, Research Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, and a Senior Fellow at the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago, and before that, Chief Scientist at Obama for America 2012 campaign focusing on analytics, technology, and data.

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