Open Data HMO


The Open Data HMO Hackathon, sponsored by Nearsoft, is a gathering of local people interested in writing applications, generate ideas, create visualizations, and publish the results using open, public data provided by State and local governments.

Open Data HMO

Inventing new things and using the latest technologies drives us to work on private projects, create new businesses, and always digging for more. Well, it is time to do something for our community!

If you want to change the world, if you think that things are not working as well as you would like, then this is your opportunity to do something about the issues you are passionate about.

Take the chance and challenge yourself to create a better solution.

Open Data HMO is a weekend-long event where you can bring your ideas and creativity to build something of value in a framework of open innovation. A bunch of us will get together to face the challenges facing our community and find creative, viable solutions.