Daniel Valencia Backhoff

I’m an experienced software developer from Ensenada, México, currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at HELIX RE, in San Francisco, California.

I’d say curiosity is one of my biggest strengths, and that has helped me get involved in the entire software development stack: from frontend, backend, and mobile app development to infrastructure engineering, QA, and performance testing. I’m a technologist at heart who loves solving hard problems; I’m a generalist who believes in using the right tool for the job. Building things is what I enjoy the most.

Diseño de un sistema de gestión de archivos escalable y resiliente


Cuando un desarrollador piensa en implementar funcionalidad para subir archivos a un servidor lo primero que viene a la mente es una forma HTML multipart. Pero, has intentado subir un archivo de 1GB utilizando un form ? Y uno de 40GB ? Resulta ser que el problema no es tan sencillo considerando la memoria limitada de un navegador y que las conexiones a internet suelen ser lentas y poco confiables.