Jarek Potiuk

As the CTO Jared built software house 10-fold: from 6 to 60 people. After a few years of being the CTO, he decided to go back to a full-time engineering role and he works as a Principal Software Engineer in his company (and is super happy about it). Jarek has been working as an engineer in many industries - Telecoms, Mobile app development, Google, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Cloud and Open Source data processing. Jarek is currently PMC in the Apache Airflow project.

Taller de contribución a Apache Airflow (inglés)



Apache Airflow es una plataforma open source para gestionar workflows de datos. Airflow es la plataforma líder en este segmento y es ampliamente utilizado en empresas en todo el mundo y en distintas industrias.

En este taller aprenderás cómo contribuir al proyecto, incluyendo: cómo instalar tu ambiente local de desarrollo, ejecutar las pruebas y submitir versiones con cambios.

Introduction to Apache Airflow


Apache Airflow is a tool created by community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows. The biggest advantage of Airflow is the fact that it does not limit the scope of pipelines. Airflow can be used for building Machine Learning models, transferring data or managing the infrastructure. Because Airflow workflows are written in pure Python, there is no restriction on what a single task can do. It can execute a python callable, bash script or create a new Kubernetes pod.