Griselda Cuevas

Gris is a Product Manager @ Google Cloud. She has 13 years of experience in a variety of industries, from oil and gas to cloud computing. She has a Masters in Operation Research and Data Science from UC Berkeley and is passionate about data engineering, open source technology, information architecture, diversity and inclusion in tech & Italian wines.

In her spare time she reads and work on diversity and inclusion topics, specially around building frameworks that enable participation of under represented groups in tech. She is also passionate about physical training and is working towards completing a certification in personal training from NASM.


Creando productos inteligentes con análisis de datos en tiempo real usando Google Cloud Platform


El objetivo de esta sesión es crear una conversación alrededor del análisis de datos en tiempo real. Discutiremos cómo estos conceptos ayudan a crear productos inteligentes y daremos una demostración de un modelo básico de análisis de datos en tiempo real, en donde usaremos Pub/Sub, Dataflow y BigQuery - productos de Google Cloud Platform.